Root Cause Analysis

Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is the process of identifying what, how and why an event occurred so appropriate steps can be taken to prevent future occurrences. An RCA is done to target specific areas of product or process deficiency. As a leading provider of supply chain quality services, Unitek Technical Services a Kiwa Company offers effective RCA solutions that target improvement opportunities. The process involves collecting data, charting causal factors, identifying root causes, and generating and implementing recommendations.

We aim to help you identify why a failure or event occurred in your organization so you can specify workable corrective measures that inhibit future occurrences.

Our Root Cause Analysis Problem-Solving Approach

At Unitek Technical Services a Kiwa Company, RCA service is about solving problems through identifying their root causes. We use the practical Five Why or 8D which provides a structured approach to determine cause.

Through this model, our RCA problem-solving approach includes the following steps:

  1. Identifying and Defining the Problem or Opportunity: The first step is to develop a clear, concise statement that describes the problem using a problem definition template. Several actions are taken here, including defining the requirement and comparing it to the current situation to identify the gap between them.
  2. Identifying the root causes: We recommend using the Five Whys method here. Start by asking why the problem occurred, and then continue questioning the subsequent answer until you land at the root cause. Other actions could include validating prioritized root causes and assuring the data is valid and represents facts, not opinions.
  3. Identifying and validating proposed solutions: Describe the corrective improvement actions you’ll take and the business results you expect based on the actions taken.
  4. Implementing the proposed solutions: Using an action item list, our experienced technical specialists will review progress on an ongoing basis and ensure that team members are responsible for completing the items in the proposed solutions. We’ll also maintain active communication with stakeholders while updating the documentation and training as required.
  5. Corrective Action Follow-up and Implementation Effectiveness: After implementation, our team can review the processes to ensure the desired result is achieved.

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Our Service Benefits

When you trust us to perform your RCA challenges, you can expect us to deliver cost-effective solutions to keep your organization competitive.

Our solutions are designed to help you:

  • Reduce costs, reduce risk and enhance quality: The low cost of identifying and solving problems early can’t be compared to the high risk of letting these problems morph into unmanageable challenges. Our RCA services target these problems and offer solutions that reduce risks and improve service and product quality for overall growth.
  • Understand processes and procedures: Our dedicated technical specialists will work closely with your team and oversee training at some points to equip your staff with the necessary industry knowledge for achieving and maintaining efficient processes.
  • Focus on your operational goals and core competencies: We simplify the RCA process so it doesn’t take up most of your time and resources, allowing you to attend to your main goals and core competencies.

Contact Unitek Technical Services a Kiwa Company for More Information

As the leading provider of supply chain quality services, we’re ready to help you improve the most crucial aspects of your business growth through our RCA solutions. We have just the right staff to attend to your requests. Contact us today to get more information on how we can help you.


“There is not a member of our team that does not agree that Unitek has proven that one individual really can make a tremendous impact.  Your presence at this supplier has enabled the buyer to provide accurate information to the program as well as ensure key milestones are achieved.”

- Manager, Technical Management Firm

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